Saturday, December 25, 2010

Campus Roar

The decibels that reverberate in your head don?t actually begin in the stands. By the time they arrive in your ears, they?re merely an echo.

Leather pounds. Rubber soles squeak. Whistles blow. Buzzers sound.

Basketball sound waves bounce over, through and around: concrete, bleachers and pillars. The standing-room-only capacity crowd.

And you rally on - sounding off in affirmation of school pride. The colors you paint on. The same ones you bleed. The energy behind the reason you stand and scream bordering on obscene.

The best 40 minutes of any given night play out regardless of what rival comes to town. Accented in rehearsed chants; exercised on the fly. Routine traditions seamlessly translated into moments of raw excitement redefined.

Your new homework assignment: Campus Roar.

A refresher course in fandom made pure. The chance to catapult your squad into T-shirt lore.

Players drive the game. Fans drive the stands. Nike Basketball is putting March in your hands. Forget names and faces. Refuse to focus on the profane and the mundane alike. Share with your friends and watch your school?s Momentum Meter spike.

Create your Campus Roar here on or visit our Facebook Fan Page for the chance to have what you scream become what the whole world sees when they think of your team.


link of the day

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