Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fitting Your Run Into Vacation

I recently returned from a family vacation in Florida, where I was thrilled to able to run more than I do when I’m at home. We were visiting my mother-in-law, so with another adult available to watch the kids, my husband and I had an easier time fitting runs into our schedule.

I know that's not the case for everyone — sometimes it's hard to find the time and motivation to exercise when you're on vacation. But doing a little pre-trip research can make running a whole lot easier once you get there. For example, before my friend Sandy left for a recent trip to Hawaii, she did some quick research and registered for the Great Aloha Run. She and her husband had a blast running the race while getting a scenic tour of Honolulu on foot.If racing during vacation isn’t your thing, look for running route recommendations online at sites such as

Once you’re at your destination, visit the local running store.Running specialty shops are a great resource for out-of-towners. Stop by and see if they have free group runs or can suggest local running routes. You can also ask your hotel concierge or inquire at the front desk for recommendations. They’ll most likely have a map with suggested walking and running routes.

If you can’t run outside because of weather, safety or location (ever try running laps on a cruise ship?), hit the treadmill instead. Even if you’re running just a few miles every other day, it should be enough to maintain fitness and keep you from feeling guilty about overindulging a little while you’re away from home.

Do you run more or less when you’re on vacation?


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